Thursday, May 27, 2010

This cartoon appeared as the United States government filed suit against the Occidental Petroleum Corporation for dumping hazardous waste at Love Canal and other sites around Niagara Falls, New York. Pressed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Justice Department also sued for reimbursement to cover the costs of cleaning up the toxic waste sites and to relocate people whose homes had become contaminated.

Mined area, January 2, 1980
Ink, crayon, porous point pen, opaque white, and overlays over blue pencil underdrawing on paper
Published in the Washington Post (93)

before jimmy carter presidentence love canal was used as a chemical disposal site for the militarty. i find this interest because i cant find out a real site that explains what kind of chemical waste was dumpped on this land. the waste dumped on this land caused many difficulties for these people; such as cancer and birth defects. yeah they got some money to relocate but what about the effect on their next genertion of the family members that lived on that land?
i have heard stories about places likee this where some ComPAnY comes and buy land from someone and uses it as a dump!! i just cant belive the government would let something like that happen!
so with the lover canal, in the 1890's this guy named William T. Love bought some land in the Niagara falls area. his goal was to be able to build a "Model City". he was going to recontruct the land into a huge community of wonderful parks and homes along Lake Ontario but he ran out of money. so then at the time Hooker Electochemical Company bought it from him and used it as a dumpsite!
susposly they used all this precautions to dump Gallons of metal and fibre barrels which where filled with there dump. i cant find a website that tells me EXPEXTLY what was dumpped but it wasnt good if it was tested for radion and caused the people who later moved on that land after the company filled the hole that was dug out my Love thats was more than aa mile long had been proven to have an reaction to the land by having cancer and birth deffects.
these people for more than 30 years lived on this land. childern played outside, gardens were grown and eaten in the salads that familes would have at pinics at the parks! and all they are given is a relocation to another home!
and then its says that there was a multi- million dollar clean up. how do you clean something that has festered in the ground for more than 40 years!!!
and what all the water sources near by!
there has to be some effect on them!
im just so frustarted when i hear things like that!
and ive heard a few bad things about Reagan, like you do about most presendents,
exspore of leaking checimal waste; toxic waste.

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